Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My 2nd reflection

My 2nd Reflection

Rini, Anom and I met up on the 15th September to discuss our first assignment. We surfed the net to find information on the current initiatives in Primary Mathematics Curriculum from 1997 to 2010. We listed down several initiatives we had come across and distributed the workload equally. Each of us would have to locate documents related to the educational initiatives in Singapore. We have to read up on the initiatives and the philosophy behind them. We also discussed on where to get the documents and who to help us in coming up with the electronic package. We planned to use the cooperative learning strategy- the jigsaw where each of us would then share the information on what we have read on at our next group discussion. We constantly communicate and keep one another updated through smses and phone calls.

1 comment:

  1. while it is good you kept a record of the process your team went through, it will be enlightening for us to know your specific professional learning and the means that the learning occurs.
